Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 53

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

"At 54 years of age - not an athlete, never have been - I may be pushing the envelope ... meh, you only live once." ~Steve Mid-Week Thoughts from the ride in Colorado. My week is full of personal lessons. Humility, patience, gratitude ... I'm pushing myself harder than ever...
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Greg's Greetings

My wife and I had the privilege of being the host and hostess at a wedding in Omaha a week ago. The wedding was absolutely beautiful, the couple is a perfect match and the reception was full of fun. While in Omaha, our youngest (Eden) left for a school sponsored...
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Amy's Reflections

This week I have been on vacation with my family. We spent the week gaining memories and spending precious time together.One of the things that we got to do on our trip was visit the WWII Museum. What an incredible experience. It was emotionally overwhelming to make your way through...
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Notes from Steve

This is Monday a week before my ride*. I’m in the trying to do everything mode. Pack everything mode (“you never know”). Take care of everything mode. Did I train enough, pack enough, what about my bike (“what’s that noise?”), what about the temp (snow, rain, hot, cold …)? What...
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A Word from Cindy

The month of May was filled with many graduations, from 3 year old preschool to graduate school. An exciting time that is filled with many emotions from joy to fear. As the graduate there are many decisions to be made, continuing down the higher education path, begin a new career,...
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Notes from Steve

Next week I leave for Colorado for a biking tour of the Rockies. Like RAGBRAI but without oxygen and going up non-stop hills. “Hey Steve you want to do an ultra-marathon in Death Valley in August 4 years from now??!?” Well, absolutely. (That’s far enough out that I’d probably agree...
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Reflections by Amy

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” ~ Winston Churchill We made it through graduation this month. I wasn’t nearly as tearful as I thought I would be but I think that is because I am so excited for Shaila and her next steps in...
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Notes from Steve

I saw this the other day. Our zone of comfort (first circle) is where we feel safe and comfortable, our home, our couch .. our bed. This is where we will grow fat and someday die. As we move into the fear and learning zone, we will do so with...
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The Brief by Reagan

We are in the process of preparing for a family vacation. We will be gone for five days and I’m thinking I should seek help now as a preemptive strike on the chaos that is about to begin. I have a wonderful family, but the five of us together for...
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Notes from Steve

Micki said I had non-verbal angst yesterday. “You looked agitated.” Trying to figure out where my emotional knots are coming from. Does everybody get this way? Some people talk about the need for retail therapy or wine Wednesday (any day of the week) or going for a long run …...
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