Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Our Leaders - Page 25

Enjoy these weekly insights from our Senior Leadership team.

Senior Leaders include: Steve Simonin, President & CEO; Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO; Beth Carder, CNO; Cindy Hunter, CQO; Holly Martin, HRO; Greg Polzin, CFO; Regan Swisher, CCO; and Ashley Recknor, Specialty Services Officer.


Notes from Steve

I was in Florida at a Studer conference and Chicago at an AHA meeting a couple of weeks ago. I met amazing people and had fantastic conversations. Prevailing thoughts from the ISH group were that we were doing a lot of the things that other great hospitals did (I heard...
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Thoughts from Holly

As you all know, the ISH theme for this year is “The Calling”. We all have been tasked to come up with our word for the year. I have spend a lot of time thinking about this over the last few weeks. I have had many ideas, but truly feel...
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Notes from Steve

YAYAYAYAY. This Insider comes out on my favorite day of the year - February 28th. The end of winter as I define it. I love March, and I’m frequently disappointed (snow … cold) but March is the Pollyanna optimist’s hope. Potentially blades of grass will start to grow, the holidays...
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Amy's Reflections

Rick has been working a lot of hours lately due to some staffing changes within the police department. This has challenged me to step up my parenting game and get more organized with meals and schedules. I like to think I am pretty on top of if most days, but...
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Greg's Greetings

This month we have been talking a lot about barriers. I feel like our perception of the obstacles we face makes a difference. Some find barriers to be an opportunity to succeed, while others find them as reasons they might fail. Some give up when seeing an obstacle, while others...
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Notes from Steve

I’m not much of a cookie eater. My mom used to make a ton of chocolate chip cookies, and to tell you the truth, I was not a fan. I don’t like the hard cookie and for that matter, I don’t like big soft cookies. My sister made these sugar...
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Amy's Reflections

As you may remember, we got a new puppy in January. He is a champagne lab that we named Whiskey. He is incredibly cute and really has done pretty well settling in, and our other dog, Oakley, is absolutely over the moon to have a friend to play with. I...
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Notes from Steve

Scrappy. We’re scrappy (determined, argumentative, and aggressive). “We” as in Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics. I was telling our story of independence and how we’ve been successful throughout the years to a friend, and she said it sounds like an epic quest. I said “what”? “You know, Steve, like going...
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